Rec: Facts about Opossums

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There are more than 60 species of opossum. The species that many people think of when hearing about this animal is the common opossum, also known as Virginia opossum. However, these are two different species. The common opossum’s scientific name is Didelphis marsupialis, and the Virginia opossum’s scientific name is Didelphis virginiana.

These types of opossums have a cone-shaped nose with a pink tip, a long hairless tail, and white, gray and black fur. Opossums are the only marsupial found naturally in North America.

Rec: Facts About Minks

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Minks are small mammals with long, thin bodies, short legs, pointed snouts and claws. These soft creatures are related to ermines, ferrets and weasels and look much like their relatives. Their fur is highly valued.

There are two species of minks: European minks and American minks. They were once classified in the same genus, Mustela, but recent research has led to the American mink being classified separately in the Neovisongenusaccording to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

International Helmet Awareness Day

Today is International Helmet Awareness Day. Check your expiration date and if you need a new helmet you can find a place participating and get a more affordable helmet due to the sales by visiting for more information.

Groundbreaking Civilian Science

On Sept. 6, Dawn Kelly was astounded to come across an unexpected and intense battle between a cottonmouth and a copperhead near her cabin in Snowball, Arkansas, close to the Buffalo National River Park in the northern part of the state.

Viper vs. Viper! on Livescience


This incredible video shows how the smartphone has effected “civilian science” and how much easier it is to get in touch with the biologists who need to see these pieces of footage to enhance their understanding of various species. This is why, if you carry a smartphone, you should be ready to preform some civilian science of your own!