Bible in a Year: Day 2

The Reading

  • Luke 6:1-26
  • Genesis 3:1-5:32
  • Psalms 2:1-12

Standout Passages

“Cain and his wife” – Genesis 3:22

“Happy are those who go to him for protection.” – Psalms 2:12


A Chat with the Husband Later…

On the whole this was a dry section of the Bible, but how much entertainment value can you find in a section that devotes a huge amount of its words to genealogy? But I suspect things will get more interesting. An overlying theme in the readings seemed to be establishing a deeper understanding of sin and evil, so it makes a nice followup to the previous reading.

I did, in Genesis, get a little fixated on the snake, who previously didn’t “go around on his belly”. This sort of suggests that the snake wasn’t a snake to begin with, and may have been more of a lizard! And this is actually backed up by genetic leftovers like the free-floating legbone remnants in the skeleton of a snake!

This section of Genesis isn’t very kind to Women’s rights, either. We see women glossed over and mostly written out of the scripture here, aside from to punish all of us for the evils of one woman. But it seems in line with the time in which it was originally recorded, when such far-reaching consequences were the norm and people sought deep justice (See the bit about Lamech killing a guy for striking him).

Then, moving on, I don’t really have much to say about the reading from Luke. All in all it just established the Pharisees as closed mind and caught up deeply in the process rather than the faith as they grow to despise Jesus.

And finally, the Psalm, which feels like a continuation of one, and another discussion in which “Happy” and “Religious” share the same meaning.

Faith Practices for 4 September 2012

The Readings

Word of Life

  1. Honestly, it’s another of those situations in which I’m working my way towards knowing anything about the subject.
  2. I don’t find it impossible, but I will admit that sometimes just being a good person is difficult, let along living up to the sort of person that Jesus was.
  3. Through learning and through devotion. Through practicing the words and acting within them, carrying out the instructions they give.
  4. It means to not just be religious, but to be the sort of person Jesus taught us to be.
  5. The world would be quieter. The world would be more attentive to the needs of others, for listening is one of the greatest ways to respect the needs of others because you cannot respect (or act on) what others need without knowing.
  6. Think more.
  7. Anger is a naturally quick emotion, being slow to give into it means that you have mastered yourself, and put others before you enough to assume that the anger is not justified until such time that it is deeply proven.
  8. By following the other tenets discussed. If we listen more, consider things before we speak and refuse to be ruled by out anger our tongues are well bridled and kept to reign, going only as we wish them to. (Clearly this answer comes from a girl who rides…)
  9. I define it by action. By living the word in each day and trying to carry out good works that help those around you.
  10. To take action, to not just know that their are problems, but to act to attempt to solve these problems.
  11. Limitations of funding, time and will are the first and foremost. People also must sometimes overcome fear to help others.

Word Among Us

  1. The grandfather is, in my opinion, the very ideal of christian. He put others first and went out of his way to assist others.
  2. My life is blessed with a number of doers. My in-laws are spearheads of community efforts to do good within my church. My own father takes wonderful care of an elderly couple that lives near him.
  3. I do enjoy listening to stories others have to tell. You can learn so much about people when you listen to those little pieces of their lives they are willing to share.
  4. Practice, like most things in life.
  5. We live in a culture of immediacy, in which we act quickly on our impulses (there are entire TV channels devoted to impulse shopping). This same culture is also one that demands retribution and values those who get revenge.
  6. Empowering.
  7. I would like to think that I would be the person I am, but I’m not sure that’s possible… Even though I’ve not always devoted myself to learning God’s word, my parents did ensure that I knew the values in them…

Faith Practice in Daily Life

  • Living in a Christian community is an opportunity to see what others have to teach you, and to see how others who are already experienced and well practiced at living in the word are doing so.

Explanation of my Slacking…

I feel terrible for falling off the wagon already, so I’m at least going to let you all know what’s going on. I’ve been off color for several days, and I’ve been busy with family things. To make up for it, starting tomorrow the husband and I are going to pull double study days to make it up. It’ll take awhile to catch up, but we will do it!