CNN Claims Rapists had lives ruined by conviction

It was incredibly emotional — incredibly difficult even for an outsider like me to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believe their life fell apart.

CNN reporter Poppy Harlow on witnessing the Steubenville verdict

Why is there concern about the rapists lives being ruined? There’s no secret in this world about rape being bad. Since when do criminals “have their lives ruined” by justice being brought against them? They ruined their own lives when they committed the crime.

It’s this person’s opinion that if we have to blame anybody for ruining those kids lives, let’s try either those kids. Or maybe the parents who taught let them go to parties, or taught them that they had a right to take anything they wanted from anybody. We can’t blame the alcohol. It didn’t dive down the kid’s throats without their permission. It’s no secret that alcohol consumption leads to crappy decision making.

Given that the kid’s “apology” consisted mainly of apologizing for sending out pictures, not violating another person’s human dignity, I think Prison is exactly where this self-centered little cuss belongs.

CNN: Get your priorities straight. Start supporting the victim rather than the rapists who’re being convicted in accordance with evidence they created and distributed themselves.

HIV: Is a cure in the air?

I know I shouldn’t have dragged my feet on writing this up, but I was so worried that we’d get a report that the recent cure wasn’t going to be as spectacular as the initial reports indicated. Since nothing’s come out immediately disproving the debunking, it indicates it’s safe to start talking about it.

It’s spectacular! We now have a case in addition to the Berlin Patient.

To me, the biggest application of this would be in 3rd world countries where health care overlooks so many patients. Yes, it’s only an indication and without further studies we can’t be sure… But I hope that it means we can at least protect infants from acquiring HIV from the mother. I really can’t wait to see if these first hours treatments can really aid people.

The only truly sad part of this is that doctors are fairly sure this isn’t an approach that will help adults. Though other research is shedding light on immune responses, and maybe that will lead to a new approach to HIV that might start helping people older at the time of infection.

Happy St. Patty’s Day! Have some News!

I’m in a bit of a rush (I should be working either on cleaning out cupboards, doing the dishes, or a Website right now) so I’m just throwing down a list of interesting articles related to today’s holiday (I’m Irish, in case you didn’t know. Well… Irish in addition to a big pile of other stuff…)

Kitsu’s Zoo: A Simcity Region (Impala City Day 1)

SC-01I have a thing for Simcity. I have for most of my life. Since I’ve been working my way through a huge pile of work and doing unconscionable things like missing posts, I thought creating a region that I could use to story tell within Simcity (2013) would be a great plan!

So, I’ve created Kitsu’s Zoo.
We’re going to start work on Impala City, today.

Read more

It Continues…

The lunacy that’s ruling my life is continuing… We’re getting ready to launch three websites all at the same time, and there’s tons to be done that all needs to be done in time for the launch to happen and things to go well.

In the mean time: Foxtrot just for you all!


So… Kitsu’s Been Busy…

Things with my Work have been 3-parts insane the last few weeks. I’ve honestly been proud of how well I’ve been keeping up with this blogging thing. and only rarely whimping out on writing something properly for you guys to see. Not that there are that many of you…

Today I spent all morning, including the time I usually whip up a blog post or two was spent worrying about a site that will be launching very soon. This has been happening for almost two weeks, and because of it, I’m no longer ahead on posts. At all. Not even “tomorrow’s post is written” ahead…

This is why you’re getting a Peanuts comic today.

pe130310And you might have to put up with comics for another day or so, while I try to get work sorted and hopefully regular, insightful blogging will begin again shortly…