Internet Bigfooting: Vocals Again

This is slightly old news, but I like to examine vocals because I know the noise of the wild, including noises other people who “know the wild” seem not to know… So first… The clips!

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The first vocalization isn’t anything that I can’t write off as wolf or coyote. Perhaps human. It’s long, bellowing, and to me reads as either wolf or human-imitating-wolf. Given the lack of concrete other evidence, I can’t call it anything but “creature that is known to exist in the area”. I’m sorry, Mr. Sherman. If it’s not a man hoaxing you, it’s a large predator. Your incredible claim (you heard the sound of a bigfoot) isn’t provable because all you have is the noise. You have no other evidence that even indicates the animal to posit was where you are.

The second section on this first video is far more interesting. It’s definitely something I can’t write off immediately. My first instinct, based off the call, is not bigfoot. This call makes me think Birdwatchers, and I believe that ruling out animals that are unusual but present is the first route to take. Mr. Sherman: My recommendation as an Internet Bigfooter is that you have this clip reviewed by a few birding clubs /without priming/ (don’t tell them you think it’s bigfoot) challenging them to identify the source of the sound. If the local bird-obsessed can’t figure out a bird that matches it, then we can talk Bigfoot.

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I would like to thank Mr. Sherman for the time he spends actually presenting his evidence.

Sadly, though, I once again don’t agree with his assessment. It sounds like a juvenile wolf to me. One that’s not great at getting his voice going and has to spend some time “warming up” so to speak. Perhaps joined by one of his elders? This video features a wolf doing long, low wails that lack the ululation that is commonly associated by those who’ve only heard a few howls on TV. He even dips down and plays in the “whoop” range that I hear associated with bigfoot.

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At least these vocals aren’t fox wails…

Sasquatch shouldn’t be anybodies first guesses with these. Call in a wolf expert. Learn about the pack(s) that live where you are. Investigate with experts in proven animals first, so that you can remove everything that’s even questionably another species.

And don’t give me that crap about them hiding their vocals in those of other animals. You want proof, not guesses. Until you bring me video of a Sasquatch vocalizing on camera, you can’t prove they do it. Start looking for PROOF. Not evidence that can’t be verified. It’s worthless.

Diet Fads: Some Research

Of late, Discovery News has been issuing some reports I feel are worth talking about, about a few diet trends that are out there. I’m skipping the fully bunk Blood-type Diet. It makes no sense because humans aren’t all that different on the inside, even when we are on the outside.

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[symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”Gluten-Free” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]

Since Celiac’s Disease got the press it deserved, lots of people have given up gluten. A great many of them not having Celiac’s or any other form of Gluten intolerance! Is this a bad thing? It can be hard to tell, with so many nutritionists and dietitians supporting the benefits but simultaneously leaning against unnecessary dietary restriction.

Most health benefits people gain from going gluten free are rooted in the overabundance of carbohydrates in the american diet and the lack of such carb-rich choices with gluten free versions. This increases the dependence appropriately towards giving fruits and vegetables the bulk of the calories, which is ideal.

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[symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”Paleo Diet” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]

The Paleo diet, or the consumption of food that our human ancestors ate (lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruit and avoiding grains and legumes).

Too bad science isn’t behind it. Humans are evolved for the foods banned by the paleo diets. Grain and dairy consumption gave some of our ancestors an edge by varying food sources. Eliminating a food group isn’t always a great plan. Analyze your needs carefully when considering things like cutting out all grains. Though I can’t think of anyone who would consider cutting back on processed food a bad thing.


CNN Claims Rapists had lives ruined by conviction

It was incredibly emotional — incredibly difficult even for an outsider like me to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believe their life fell apart.

CNN reporter Poppy Harlow on witnessing the Steubenville verdict

Why is there concern about the rapists lives being ruined? There’s no secret in this world about rape being bad. Since when do criminals “have their lives ruined” by justice being brought against them? They ruined their own lives when they committed the crime.

It’s this person’s opinion that if we have to blame anybody for ruining those kids lives, let’s try either those kids. Or maybe the parents who taught let them go to parties, or taught them that they had a right to take anything they wanted from anybody. We can’t blame the alcohol. It didn’t dive down the kid’s throats without their permission. It’s no secret that alcohol consumption leads to crappy decision making.

Given that the kid’s “apology” consisted mainly of apologizing for sending out pictures, not violating another person’s human dignity, I think Prison is exactly where this self-centered little cuss belongs.

CNN: Get your priorities straight. Start supporting the victim rather than the rapists who’re being convicted in accordance with evidence they created and distributed themselves.

HIV: Is a cure in the air?

I know I shouldn’t have dragged my feet on writing this up, but I was so worried that we’d get a report that the recent cure wasn’t going to be as spectacular as the initial reports indicated. Since nothing’s come out immediately disproving the debunking, it indicates it’s safe to start talking about it.

It’s spectacular! We now have a case in addition to the Berlin Patient.

To me, the biggest application of this would be in 3rd world countries where health care overlooks so many patients. Yes, it’s only an indication and without further studies we can’t be sure… But I hope that it means we can at least protect infants from acquiring HIV from the mother. I really can’t wait to see if these first hours treatments can really aid people.

The only truly sad part of this is that doctors are fairly sure this isn’t an approach that will help adults. Though other research is shedding light on immune responses, and maybe that will lead to a new approach to HIV that might start helping people older at the time of infection.

Critter News Roundup Vol.3: (Bad) Conservation News…

This was almost a special edition, but then I decided that it would be much better labeled a Critter news roundup because the whole thing DOES have a critter theme. It also, however, has a depressing conservation theme.

  • Switzerland’s Only Bear Killed Amid Threat Fears – FEB 25, 2013 08:30 AM ET // BY AFP
    The bear was “culled” in accordance with the management plan for bears in Switzerland (which i’m going to assume is “No bears aloud”). The bear was going to be a potential danger, but what I don’t understand is why death was the option they decided to try when relocation hadn’t even been experimented with. This was an irresponsible management of a rare animal.
  • Africa ‘Hemmorhaging Elephants’ at Record Rate – MAR 4, 2013 05:00 PM ET // BY JENNIFER VIEGAS
    In the past decade 62% of elephants have been killed for Ivory. The article goes over why the African Forest Elephant might be extinct within the next decade. This important umbrella species needs to be protected to protect other species!
  • 100 Million Sharks Killed Each Year – MAR 5, 2013 05:45 AM ET // BY MEGAN GANNON, LIVE SCIENCE
    Research indicates that 1 in 15 sharks is killed each year by fisheries. As economic prosperity in eastern countries grow the demand for these shark body parts grows. As apex predators sharks are slow breeders and continued fishing at this rate could be disastrous.

Bigass Bigots: God hates them more than Fags…


A pair of men were walking down a road. One of them held the leash of a poodle that was dyed pink. These oregon men were attacked for being gay by a random man who’d driven by. The attacker used a mental wrench and struck at least one of his victims. If it weren’t for the intervention of bystanders, this situation could have been a lot worse.

I don’t care who you are, or what you believe. Even if you’re a person who believes that there is a moral/religious wrong in homosexuality (for which I’ve come t doubt the biblical/support of Jesus for based on evidence – Though i still need to do some further reading and study on this matter before I declare that fact), we know that violence towards others is decidedly wrong.

Thank God for the bystanders who rose up and didn’t just permit this to happen. Hate isn’t good for anyone. For the hated it’s bad for the obvious reasons, but for the hater it is equally bad. Hate destroys from within, harms the spirit, and damages the world through the violence that it causes. Innocents get caught in the crossfire of hate.

Westboro Baptist Church seems to take great joy in hate-mongering under the guise of trying to do good in the world… But if they wanted to do good by people, should they be out there, digging wells for the thirsty, fixing food for the hungry or building homes for those without? Priorities, people. Priorities.

Jesus talked about love a lot. The only references in the text you claim say you should hate fags seems to indicate that hate wasn’t big on Jesus’ list of priorities. Seemed he cared more about loving the people he loved than hating the people he disapproved of…



News Roundup Special Edition: Controlling Things

Today’s news Roundup is another special Edition. Today’s Theme? Control.

Internet UFOlogy: UFOs & Volcanos

In addition to the Bigfoot Fun, I’m entertained by following UFOlogy.

Cigar Shaped UFOs & Volcanos

In november a “giant cylinder” was seen smashing into a Mexican Volcano according to IO9. In February a “UFO” was filmed zooming past Popocatepetl, too. I don’t understand why UFOlogists are excited about this. Neither of the pieces of footage are clear or show anything of significance. In fact, when the one from February is slowed down, I see clear evidence that it’s an artifact bug flying past the camera.

In short: Both of these are unidentified, for sure. But they certainly don’t seem to give with the common UFOlogy driven definition in any way, shape or form. This is as bad as a blobsquatch.