So… Kitsu’s Been Busy…

Things with my Work have been 3-parts insane the last few weeks. I’ve honestly been proud of how well I’ve been keeping up with this blogging thing. and only rarely whimping out on writing something properly for you guys to see. Not that there are that many of you…

Today I spent all morning, including the time I usually whip up a blog post or two was spent worrying about a site that will be launching very soon. This has been happening for almost two weeks, and because of it, I’m no longer ahead on posts. At all. Not even “tomorrow’s post is written” ahead…

This is why you’re getting a Peanuts comic today.

pe130310And you might have to put up with comics for another day or so, while I try to get work sorted and hopefully regular, insightful blogging will begin again shortly…


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