Humpback Tail Sailling

Back in March reported on this video. Tail Sailing is a behavior that’s very rare to see in humpbacks (southern wright whales have been seen doing is fairly commonly), and definitely worth checking out. The video itself was captured by a NOAA drop according to the National Marine Sanctuaries website.

Sgt. Reckless awarded the Dickin Medal

Sgt. Reckless with her handler, Gunnery Sgt Latham
Sgt. Reckless with her handler, Gunnery Sgt Latham

The Dicken Medal, animal equivalent to the UK’s Victoria Cross (the highest decoration for valor), has been awarded to the horse Sgt. Reckless for her service in 1952 and 1953 during the Korean War. Reckless carried ammunition for the 5th Marine Anti-tank division. During her service she carried countless wounded to help, untold amounts of ammunition to the guns, and was wounded twice.

Congratulations Reckless! You deserved this recognition while you were alive, but at least the bureaucracy caught up with things and honored you as they should have.

The Rare Fire Rainbow

I originally planned to do something that involved more writing on my part. The day just got away from me. So instead I present you a picture of a phenomenon called a “Fire Rainbow”.

I think it’s Rather lovely, don’t you?

I direct you to Discovery News for an article that includes the science.

Without clarity. So beautiful

A photo posted by Carole Rich Williams (@icrw70) on

Caught in a Web

Also Titled: “Don’t invite me to your pyramid scheme party”

Last night I got tagged in a Facebook post making miracle weight lose, toning and firming claims. It’s a friend who was being taken in by a charlatan shilling a miracle wrap and associated products under the brand name “ItWorks”. And this friend was being taken in and tricked into spending money to be a part of this pyramid sales scheme.

The so-called product’s primary pushes on the website are all about joining the club and signing on as a seller. There is zero evidence that proves the product works. There are no reports or endorsements from doctors, no FDA testing reports, no actual science behind the product. The website shilling the crap provides even less evidence than the poor saps who’ve been tricked into pushing this nonsense, because they at least provide (worthless) testimonials from other saps.

Sure, ItWorks and their Ilk have moved on from calling themselves “Multi-level Marketing” systems, and moved into the term “Network Marketing”, but anytime you’re selling the right to sell the product above selling the actual product, you’re embroiled in a pyramid scheme.

So… Let’s get to the point of this entire post, and and I’ll drop a few links.
Don’t invite me to your Pyramid Party. I don’t want to have a Mary Kay makeover. I’m not stupid enough to fall for Amway. And if you suggest that a 120 pound person who has trouble keeping weight on should come to your weight loss wrap party and try the garbage you’re shilling… Well… You just might make her angry enough to write this blog post in ways to just shilling garbage at people isn’t.

And the links…

There’s more information out there, but if you look for information on the product I spoke of in this article you have to wade through a lot of cruft that isn’t useful to the conversation. Most of it from sellers of the product insisting it works. Usually telling people who are trying to complain about the products not working that they must have used the product incorrectly for the product to have failed.

I sense an FDA class action case in the future of this product, in which thousands of women demand their money back for buying products that are making unproven (and once tested they’ll be verified as completely false) claims about the efficacy of the product.

The featured image from from

Totilas Retires


If you’ve read this blog for awhile you’ll know I have a thing for horses. And that I love Dressage. Hence you will understand where this particular post is coming from.

The lovely and talented Totilas has been retired due to an injury.  It means that we will not get to see Totilas and Valegro face off at least somewhat properly for the first time. I still wish we had gotten to see the two greatest Dressage pairs (Valegro and Dujardin; Totilas and Gal) ride, but Alexander-Rath is finally hitting a point where he and Totilas had made the much needed connection to truly be a team, unlike the last time they faced Valegro and Dujardin.

Milk Alternatives & You…

I’m one of the 65% of people who happens to be lactose intolerant, and found this video interesting.


Aside from that…

Today I had a pretty crazy day. The dog’s had the poos for a few days now, and Late last night he ended up vomitting. Long story short, after a lot of cleaning up, some scary blood, and a trip to the vet I’ve discovered that he’s got Colitis (and a bit of an ear infection, actually…). So we’re doing the special diet and serving him up some serious antibiotics. Teddy should be better soon. I’ll keep updating.

Facebook Gender Options!

That’s right, Facebook made some changes. See the Discovery News report on it!

It’s great to see better options, and acceptance showing up on Facebook. There’s more to gender than “Male” and “Female”. At least here in America people have the right to be who they are. We believe in freedom. This is part of it.