Today was a true blast at the convention!
Prep was a crazy mess. My hair came out pretty mutilated, but that was just a detail issue, and did prove the concept. In the end, though, I ended up laying on the countertop with my head hanging off the end of it. There are photos that I will acquire copies of as soon as possible.
Then it was pack into the car and get badges for Dani, Nicci, and Alex. It worked well and from there we went and met Rai at the airport. Then he needed to get his badge, and Paul needed to assemble his cross. So, the party split, but later successfully reconvened in time to get in line for the skit contest.
We mostly just goofed around in this line, with about half of us playing in the Nintendo DS Pictochat. It can be an incredible challenge to figure out who on earth your chatting with, apparently. I shall have to remember my DS next time, and join in on this crazy. I’m too used to no one else being anywhere near the Pictochat.
The contest was decent, but some of the acts, even from masters division, wee really subpar. Sure, I got to see the cast of kingdom hearts sing song parodies, but I also had to sit though an interpretive dance. And no. I did not just make that up. Someone did an interpretive dance.
Following the skit competition Paul and I darted off for food and then rejoined the others in time for the AMV top 20. Whited turned into the AMV top 10 when they realized how many people really wanted to attend, so they just did the same show twice and planned to do the other half of the top 20 at another time and just drop something else. We also caught AMVs that made me buy the anime, which has Paul and I looking for two animus that I dint think would have otherwise caught our eyes.
Paul and I were photographed quite a bit, as was Brian, who was dressed as the Tenth Doctor. This did make moving about a very fun challenge. As was getting home. We have more people than car space. It ended up needing two trips, but we didn’t need to break the cross down, which will save a lot of time tomorrow, making it all good. Tough with the second trip were not actually saving any time, being honest.
I can’t wait for tomorrow to start. I have money down on how much better my hair will be. And I’m getting donuts.Yay Donuts!