Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.
Conjoined Gray Whale…
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Conjoined Gray Whales Found in Baja, Calif. Lagoon
JAN 7, 2014 02:50 PM ET // BY IO9.COM
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Conjoined whale twins washed on shore in California
by Sharon Hill •
This is one of those things that I had never seen before, and think it’s pretty cool. I’m not sure what science can learn from them, save the ways that things can go weird in-utero, but it’s still interesting to see. It’s also nice to know that it’s receiving good coverage (via both io9, a discovery news blog and doubtful news) and getting out there. This needs to cover a little more ground, though.
Suggested Reading for Geeks
This video from Discovery News makes some great suggestions for books that one might want to spend some quality time with from 2013.
I’m particularly interested in The Shining Girls. I think I need to track down a copy…
Halter & Lead Dressage
I pick on Grand Prix riders for being hard on the bit. I did it yesterday, but this recent post by Eventing Nation proves that you don’t even need tack on a well trained horse.
I wish I could have been there to see these two old friends prove that you don’t need a harsh bit or hard hands to make a horse dance like this…
World Record Dressage Rides
Being honest, I completely jacked these videos from Horse Nation, where they were posted awhile ago. They’re lovely rides and worthy of the scores, but you don’t see enough rides like this with riders who don’t warf on the horses’ faces.
Anatomy of a Hoaxer
Anatomy of a Hoaxer
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on December 24th, 2013
A lovely article by Craig Woolheater on the hoaxer, what they are and why they do it. Below is an excerpt, but I urge you to read the whole thing!
Why do some people try to pull the wool over other’s eyes? I think there are many reasons and to name a few, there is to push an agenda, to gain notoriety and to make a buck. Some of course are just for fun as well, so not all hoaxers come from the same mold, but those who deliberately misinform to gain a profit of some kind, we should try and peer inside their heads.
While I have been interested in Cryptozology ever since I was very young, the hoaxer is only a fairly recent phenomenon for me. I certainly was aware of their existence, but I mainly thought of it as innocent fun and a buyer beware sort of thing. I knew money could be made off of a good hoax and we have PT Barnum from Barnum and Bailey to thank for the famous quote “A sucker is born every minute” to know that if you make an outrageous claim, there will be many who will line up to buy what you are selling without so much as a second glance. In that respect you only have yourself to blame if you have fallen for such foolery.