Status of Net Neutrality?

I decided to make an extra post so that I could get this out as quickly as possible. Confusing issues always need clarification, and if it’s science or tech related, DNews will usually give a quality rundown.

The short version is that ISPs need to be declassed as common carriers. I suggest everyone sign this petition with the white house to show that we consider ISPs Common Carriers and that the government should, too.

Conjoined Gray Whale…

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Conjoined Gray Whales Found in Baja, Calif. Lagoon

JAN 7, 2014 02:50 PM ET // BY IO9.COM
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Conjoined whale twins washed on shore in California

by  • 

This is one of those things that I had never seen before, and think it’s pretty cool. I’m not sure what science can learn from them, save the ways that things can go weird in-utero, but it’s still interesting to see. It’s also nice to know that it’s receiving good coverage (via both io9, a discovery news blog and doubtful news) and getting out there. This needs to cover a little more ground, though.

Paper or Plastic?

So, does it help the environment? Well, in cities with anti-plastic-bag laws there is a decrease in trash. Well, apparently it’s kinda complicated. They do neaten things up, and paper bags aren’t as good… But if you use fabric bags that are made domestically you can do all right on carbon footprint and trash impact. It seems like it bears thinking, but the only thing I can tell you for sure is the the best thing isn’t always the most convent (it seems to me the best all around is a reusable bag you’ve made yourself out of environmentally friendly fabrics).

Unexplained Mysteries of 2013

Unexplained Mysteries of 2013

DEC 20, 2013 09:00 AM ET // BY TALAL AL-KHATIB


When every year comes to a close we have mysteries left behind. Here are some that at least one discovery news reporter considered the most interesting of 2013! Topics in the article include how Kepler-78b shouldn’t work but does, the unknown identity of the Mona Lisa, and and the bigass stone thing in the see of Galilee.

Will 2014 bring answers to any of these questions? Hopefully it will, and we’ll all be better for it.

8 Places Humans & Wild Animals Clash

8 Places Humans and Wild Animals Clash

OCT 1, 2013 09:40 AM ET // BY TIM WALL


Here is an article I decided to share featuring humans and animals, and some of the notable places in the world that they clash. Humans and Animals are in the middle of a long process in which we have to figure out how to coexist with nature, and how to reduce these clashes to save the lives of both humans and animals.

Brain Science #3: Creativity Linked to Mess?

Science seems to indicate a link. And I hope that my desk is an indication of my creativity. I have an organized brain sometimes, but I have to make myself organize and get there sometimes. Messy Rooms seemed to inspire creativity, and guides how we think. So, apparently my wreak of a desk indicates not disorganization, but creativity. Apparently we’re impulsive or something.

Study results are only early indications, however. It seems like something that bears more investigation. And perceptions of people outside yourself are critical…

Brain Science #2: Where Creativity Comes From

Can you cultivate creativity? Is it genetic? Swedish scientist seem to think that Bipolar disorder has a link to creativity, but it also ran in relatives of these patients seem to also share the creative “gene”. There’s some indication that their is genetic link. But, in addition to the gene, there seems to be indications that social element.

Brian Science #1: Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is fascinating. Your brain is always changing, and always adjusting to make you better at what you do. This means that my brain has constantly been getting better at writing, because I’ve been writing for years. And it’s constantly getting better at writing code because I wrote code every single day of my life (even if I’m not physically writing it, mentally coding the way I do all the time apparently helps for at least a short while).

Theory says that this might be a source of addictions and why habit breaking is so difficult. Though it’s very neat to see science advancing, and hopefully this science can be learned to help train brains to break addiction and the like!